Copper rate 
05. September 2024
: upper CUN 
KBE Elektrotechnik GmbH | Symeonstraße 8, 12279 Berlin | GERMANY
+49 (0)30 / 25 208-100

Company guidelines and compliance rules


KBE Elektrotechnik GmbH (hereinafter referred to as 'KBE') is committed to its social responsibility as part of its corporate activities (Corporate Social Responsibility ). These company guidelines state what this means for us, in particular with regard to working conditions, social and environmental compatibility as well as transparency, trusting cooperation and dialogue. The contents of the corporate guidelines are an expression of our values.

1. Basic understanding of socially responsible corporate governance

The KBE assumes responsibility by considering the consequences of its entrepreneurial decisions and actions in economic, technological as well as social and ecological terms and by achieving an appropriate balance of interests. 

We voluntarily contribute to the well-being and sustainable development of global society at the location where we operate, within the scope of our options and scope for action. We are guided by generally applicable ethical values and principles, in particular by integrity and righteousness and by respect for human dignity.

2. Scope

2.1 These corporate guidelines apply to all business units of KBE worldwide.

2.2 We are committed to promoting compliance with the content of the corporate guidelines also among our suppliers and in the further value chain within the scope of our options and scope for action.

3. Cornerstones of socially responsible corporate management

We actively work to ensure that the values and principles listed below are observed and adhered to in the long term.

3.1 Compliance with the law

KBE complies with the applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which it operates. In countries with a weak institutional framework, we carefully examine which good corporate practices from our own home country should be used to support responsible corporate governance.

3.2 Integrity and organizational governance

3.2.1 KBE bases its actions on generally applicable ethical values and principles, in particular on integrity, righteousness, respect for human dignity, openness and non-discrimination against religion, belief, gender and ethnicity.

3.2.2 KBE rejects corruption and bribery within the meaning of the relevant UN Convention (United Nations Convention against Corruption of 2003, in force since 2005).

We promote transparency, integrity and responsible management and control in the company in a suitable manner. 

3.2.3 KBE pursues clean and recognized business practices and fair competition. In the competition, we focus on professional behavior and quality work. We maintain trusting relationships with the supervisory authorities. We also act in accordance with antitrust law.

3.3 Consumer interests

As far as consumer interests are concerned, KBE adheres to consumer protection regulations and appropriate sales, marketing and information practices. Particularly vulnerable groups (eg protection of minors) enjoy special attention.

3.4 Communication

KBE communicates openly and in a dialog-oriented manner about the requirements of the corporate guidelines and their implementation towards employees, customers, suppliers and other interest and stakeholder groups. All documents and records are compiled in compliance with the law, are not improperly changed or destroyed and are properly stored. Company secrets and business information are treated in a sensitive and confidential manner.

3.5 Human rights

KBE is committed to promoting human rights. We comply with human rights in accordance with the UN Human Rights Charter (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Resolution 217 A (III) of 1948), in particular the following:

3.5.1 Privacy Protection of privacy.

3.5.2 Health and safety Maintaining health and occupational safety, in particular ensuring a safe and health-promoting work environment in order to avoid accidents and injuries.

3.5.3 Harassment Protection of employees from physical punishment and from physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.

3.5.4 Freedom of expression Protection and granting of the right to freedom of expression and expression.

3.6 Working conditions

KBE complies with the following core labor standards of the ILO (International Labor Organization):

3.6.1 Child labor The prohibition of child labor, ie the employment of people younger than 15 years, provided that the local legal regulations do not set higher age limits and if no exceptions are permitted.

3.6.2 Forced labor The prohibition of any kind of forced labor.

3.6.3 Remuneration The labor standards with regard to remuneration, in particular with regard to the remuneration level in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.

3.6.4 Workers' rights Respect for the right of workers to freedom of association, freedom of assembly, collective bargaining and collective bargaining, insofar as this is legally permissible and possible in the respective country.

3.6.5 Non-discrimination Non-discriminatory treatment of all employees.

3.7 Working hours

KBE complies with the labor standards regarding the maximum permitted working hours.

3.8 Environmental protection

KBE complies with the regulations and standards for environmental protection that affect their respective companies and acts in an environmentally conscious manner at all locations. KBE also handles natural resources responsibly, in accordance with the principles of the Rio Declaration (The 27 principles of the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development as a result of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro).

3.9 Civic engagement

KBE contributes to the social and economic development of the country and region in which it operates and promotes corresponding voluntary activities by its employees.

4. Implementation and enforcement

KBE makes all suitable and reasonable efforts to continuously implement and apply the principles and values described in the corporate guidelines.
Zvei Verband für die Elektroindustrie
The ZVEI is one of the most important industrial associations in Germany. ZVEI represents the interests of a high-tech industry with a very broad and extremely dynamic product portfolio.
KBE Elektrotechnik GmbH follows these guidelines.

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